
Moroccan Style Chicken, Dukan recipes

Suitable for: Attack Diet & Pure Protein

* 1/2 brown onion diced
* 1 chicken breast diced
* 2 slices of lean bacon diced
* 1 teaspoon of cumin
* 1 teaspoon of ground coriander
* 1/2 teaspoon of chilli powder
* 1/2 teaspoon turmeric
* 1/2 cup chicken stock
* 2 tablespoons of extra light cream cheese


1. brown chicken in a lightly oiled pot on high
2. reduce heat then add bacon and onion and cook for 1 minute
3. add all herbs, chicken stock and cream cheese, stir well
4. On low heat place a lid on the pot and simmer covered for 10mins
5. Serve with cracked pepper

Asian Salad, Dukan recipe


* Your choice of salad, I use lettice, carrot, tomato, capcicum
* 1 beef steak
* 1 tablespoon soya sauce
* 1 teaspoon of sweetener
* 1 tea spoon of mixed herbs


1. Mix the soya sauce, sweetener, mixed herbs in a small bowl
2. place the beef in the bowl and let it marinade
3. Sliced up your salad and place in a new clean bowl
4. Heat a non stick pan
5. Add the steak to the pan and cook 4 mins each side
6. Remove steak from pan and let rest for a few minutes
7. Slice beef thinly and add to the top of the salad
8. (Return beef strips to the pan if they need extra browning)
9. Top with a sprinkle of sesame seeds.

Dukan Pepper Steak Sauce

Serves 4
Preparation time: 10 mins
Cooking time: 15mins


* 2 cloves of garlic crushed
* 1 teaspoon of coarse ground black pepper
* 1 cup beef stock
* 125g pf Philadelphia extra light cream cheese
* 1 tea spoon of sweetener
* 3 button mushrooms sliced thin (optional for your Protein & Vegetable day)


1. Heat a non-stick fry pan over a high heat. Cook the steaks for 3 mins each side, remove from the pan, wrap in foil and keep warm.
2. Using a small saucepan heat a small amount of water and cook the mushrooms till soft
3. Add the garlic and pepper and sauté for 1 minute. Poor in the beef stock and simmer until reduced by a third.
4. Whisk in the philly and sweetener and simmer until thickened.
5. Poor over your steak, serve immediately.

Tip: The sauce keeps well in the fridge, make a large batch and store in small containers than can be reheated in the microwave.

Dukan Eggs Benedict


* 1 egg
* 1 extra egg white
* 2 slices of low fat bacon

The sauce:

* 1 egg yolk
* 1 teaspoon of Dijon mustard
* 2 tablespoons lemon juice
* 50ml warm skim milk

Method: The sauce

1. Combine the egg yolk (keep the white for later), mustard and lemon juice in a saucepan over low heat.
2. Let the sauce thicken for a few minutes but not boil
3. Slowly add the warm milk
4. Keep stirring until sauce thickens


1. Cook your bacon for 1 minute
2. Crack your egg into the frying pan and pour over the extra egg white
3. Cook as you like
4. Serve on a plate, pour over the sauce, YUM

Dukan chicken omelette

Suitable for Pure Protein, veg & protein, consolidation phase and stabilisation phase.


* 3 eggs (1 yolk, 2 whites)
* 1 chicken breast (diced small)
* 1 Bacon piece diced
* 1/2 onion diced
* Mixed herbs
* milk
* 1 tablespoon of Low fat cheese


1. Add your chicken & onion to a hot pan and brown
2. Add in your bacon cook for another 1 minute
3. Place your eggs into a small bowl with the herbs and a dash of milk, beat till combined
4. Put frying pan on low heat
5. Pour egg mixture over the chicken & bacon, place a lid (if you have one) over the pan
6. Cook slowly for 5-8 minutes
7. Sprinkle the cheese on top of the omelette
8. Place the whole pan under your oven grill to brown the top of the omelette