
Moroccan Style Chicken, Dukan recipes

Suitable for: Attack Diet & Pure Protein

* 1/2 brown onion diced
* 1 chicken breast diced
* 2 slices of lean bacon diced
* 1 teaspoon of cumin
* 1 teaspoon of ground coriander
* 1/2 teaspoon of chilli powder
* 1/2 teaspoon turmeric
* 1/2 cup chicken stock
* 2 tablespoons of extra light cream cheese


1. brown chicken in a lightly oiled pot on high
2. reduce heat then add bacon and onion and cook for 1 minute
3. add all herbs, chicken stock and cream cheese, stir well
4. On low heat place a lid on the pot and simmer covered for 10mins
5. Serve with cracked pepper

Asian Salad, Dukan recipe


* Your choice of salad, I use lettice, carrot, tomato, capcicum
* 1 beef steak
* 1 tablespoon soya sauce
* 1 teaspoon of sweetener
* 1 tea spoon of mixed herbs


1. Mix the soya sauce, sweetener, mixed herbs in a small bowl
2. place the beef in the bowl and let it marinade
3. Sliced up your salad and place in a new clean bowl
4. Heat a non stick pan
5. Add the steak to the pan and cook 4 mins each side
6. Remove steak from pan and let rest for a few minutes
7. Slice beef thinly and add to the top of the salad
8. (Return beef strips to the pan if they need extra browning)
9. Top with a sprinkle of sesame seeds.

Dukan Pepper Steak Sauce

Serves 4
Preparation time: 10 mins
Cooking time: 15mins


* 2 cloves of garlic crushed
* 1 teaspoon of coarse ground black pepper
* 1 cup beef stock
* 125g pf Philadelphia extra light cream cheese
* 1 tea spoon of sweetener
* 3 button mushrooms sliced thin (optional for your Protein & Vegetable day)


1. Heat a non-stick fry pan over a high heat. Cook the steaks for 3 mins each side, remove from the pan, wrap in foil and keep warm.
2. Using a small saucepan heat a small amount of water and cook the mushrooms till soft
3. Add the garlic and pepper and sauté for 1 minute. Poor in the beef stock and simmer until reduced by a third.
4. Whisk in the philly and sweetener and simmer until thickened.
5. Poor over your steak, serve immediately.

Tip: The sauce keeps well in the fridge, make a large batch and store in small containers than can be reheated in the microwave.

Dukan Eggs Benedict


* 1 egg
* 1 extra egg white
* 2 slices of low fat bacon

The sauce:

* 1 egg yolk
* 1 teaspoon of Dijon mustard
* 2 tablespoons lemon juice
* 50ml warm skim milk

Method: The sauce

1. Combine the egg yolk (keep the white for later), mustard and lemon juice in a saucepan over low heat.
2. Let the sauce thicken for a few minutes but not boil
3. Slowly add the warm milk
4. Keep stirring until sauce thickens


1. Cook your bacon for 1 minute
2. Crack your egg into the frying pan and pour over the extra egg white
3. Cook as you like
4. Serve on a plate, pour over the sauce, YUM

Dukan chicken omelette

Suitable for Pure Protein, veg & protein, consolidation phase and stabilisation phase.


* 3 eggs (1 yolk, 2 whites)
* 1 chicken breast (diced small)
* 1 Bacon piece diced
* 1/2 onion diced
* Mixed herbs
* milk
* 1 tablespoon of Low fat cheese


1. Add your chicken & onion to a hot pan and brown
2. Add in your bacon cook for another 1 minute
3. Place your eggs into a small bowl with the herbs and a dash of milk, beat till combined
4. Put frying pan on low heat
5. Pour egg mixture over the chicken & bacon, place a lid (if you have one) over the pan
6. Cook slowly for 5-8 minutes
7. Sprinkle the cheese on top of the omelette
8. Place the whole pan under your oven grill to brown the top of the omelette


Dukan Brownies, diet recipe

1 cup oat bran
1/3 cup wheat bran
1/2 cup pumpkin
300 grams tofu
1/3 cup cocoa (no sugar/no fat variety)
1/3 cup sweetener (i used sugar twin, brown)
1tsp baking soda
1 tsp vanilla extract
1 egg
Dash of milk

Mix everything together, and mix well! Cook for 20 minutes at 450 degrees.

This makes quite a big tray, and gives us a huge serving when divided by 5 (as there is 10 tbsps of oatbran). It taste absolutely marvelous without icing (as we tried right out of the oven). However, I decided to make a little icing for my second piece, which is still 1 serving!

Icing for two
3 tbsps Extra Light Cream Cheese
a few tsps of sweetener
1 tsp orange extract (for the Jaffa lovers!)

Floating islands, Dukan recipe


* 4 eggs, separated.
* 500ml (18fl oz) skimmed milk.
* 1 vanilla pod, split lengthwise.
* Sweetener to taste


* In a mixing bowl, beat the egg whites until they form soft but firm peaks (you can use a dash of cream of tartar to make this easier).
* In a saucepan bring the milk, sweetner and a small vanilla pod to the boil.
* With a ladle carefully spoon out snowball-sized portions of the egg whites and drop them into the hot milk. They will swell up. after turning them over remove with a slotted spoon and drain on a plate.

Makes 4 servings.

Lime Cheesecake, Dukan diet recipe

1 pkt diet lime jelly
3/4 cup boiling water
1/4 cup lime juice
1x 375g can Carnation light and creamy evaporated milk, well chilled
1 x 220g tub of extra light Philly cream cheese, softened at room temperature
1/3 cup Slenda or equivalent sweetener
1 tsp vanilla essence

Disolve jelly crystals in boiling water, add lime juice, cool slightly
Beat evaporated milk until thick.
Blend softened cream cheese until smooth, blend in Splenda, vanilla essence and warm jelly mixture.
Fold this into the evaporated milk.
Pour into a big serving bowl and chill for 2 hours.

Note: It makes heaps so will last you for days depending on whether the rest of your family get stuck into it.

Note: I have previously made this using lemon jelly and lemon juice but can't seem to find any diet lemon jelly at the moment.
I have also previously made this as a regular cheesecake with the biscuit base, although if doing that it would be better not to use the extra light cream cheese. The more fat in the cream cheese the firmer it is.

Vanilla Moist cake, Dukan recipe

6 tbs oat bran
6 tbs skimmed milk powder
3 tbs splenda (sweetener)
3tbs Quark (or fat-free fromage frais etc)
3 eggs
1 vanilla Mullerlite (fat-free yoghurt) can also add a dash vanilla extract etc as well
1Tsp baking powder

Simply mix everything together - it is like a runny batter mix. Line the inside of a loaf tin with baking parchment/paper
or better,pour straight in to a silicon baking tray. put in a COLD oven, and bake on 180C, Gas 4 for 35 mins. Leave for a while, then turn out and leave to cool.

you can change the flavour of the cake by adding different flavoured yoghurts and essences. I have seen some people also make muffins with this recipe. If you have a pound shop near you i have seen the silicon muffin and baking trays in there.

Rhubarb Muffins (6 muffins), Dukan recipe

Take 1 rhubarb stem (mine weighed about 120g and was quite long!
Peel it and divide the stem in half (lengthwise), then divide the stem again so that you get 1cm wide stems (4 of them) , and then chop them up into little cubes.
I put half the rhubarb in a pot and covered with water, microwaved for about 1 minute, and got a lovely mushy mixture (make sure you drain the excess water out...), which I poured into the mix below. The rest I sprinkle into the moulds before going in the oven.

I mixed the following ingredients in a food processor:
- 2 eggs
- 1 teaspoon baking powder
- 1 teaspoon cornflower
- 2 tablespoons Oat Bran
- 1 tablespoon Wheat Bran
- 3-4 tablespoons sweetener (according to taste)
- 2-3 tablespoons of Fat Free fromage frais (or Quark etc)
- 1 teaspoon ground ginger and maybe some cinnemon
plus the Rhubarb from above. (to be honest, you could even add more Rhubarb than what I've written here as it just tastes heavenly.)

After that, I poured the mix into silicone muffin moulds (6 holes) and then sprinkled the other half of the Rhubarb into the mix in each of the muffins.

Oven pre-heated to 180 degrees (I've got a fan oven) and I baked the lovelies for 40

The dukan pizza

Babybel light cheese
1 tsp of baking powder
1 tsp of grated cheese
4 cherry tomatoes
100g of pre-cooked chicken breast
1 tbsp corn flour
2 eggs
2 tbsp oat bran
2 tbsp yogurt


1. Cut precooked chicken into small pieces
2. Mix yogurt, eggs, oat bran, cornflour, half of the chicken, baking powder in a mixing bowl.
3. Place remainder of chicken pieces on a pan and crisp.
4. Pour the bowl of mixed ingredients onto the pan to cover the crisped chicken.
5. Place lid over pan and let cook at a low temperature so that the underside crisps.
6. Once the bottom has cooked and while the top is still liquid-like, places cherry tomato slices, think pieces of Babybel cheese, and sprinkle grated cheese and sesame seeds.
7. Place pan under in oven and cook until top is crisp as well (carefully monitor)

Serves 1

Meat Loaf Dukan Style

1 finely chopped onion
2 eggs, beaten
4 tbsp non-fat fromage frais or yogurt
2 hard boiled eggs, sliced
Salt and pepper to taste.


1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees
2. mix chopped onion, beaten eggs, fromage frais or yogurt substitute, salt, pepper and minced beef together.
3. Using a bread pan, use a light amount of oil and coat the surface.
4. fill the pan
5. place slices hard-boiled eggs on top of meatloaf mix
6. place in oven and cook for 1 hour

Makes 2 pans, or 12 servings (about 12 slices)

Luc Lac Beef , Dukan recipe

2 tablespoons soy sauce
1 tablespoon oyster sauce
1 large piece ginger, crushed
4 garlic cloves, crushed
A few coriander leaves to garnish
Black Pepper


1. Slice meat down to 1/2in cubes.
2. Mix soy sauce, oyster sauce, ginger and black pepper into small bowl to create a marinade.
3. bathe beef cubes in the bowl of marinade.
4. Let marinate for 30 minutes.
5. add just a bit of vegetable oil to a medium sized frying pan, and over a low heat fry the garlic until lightly browned.
6. Add meat to frying pan and cook over high heat until about medium-rare.
7. add a few coriander leaves to your finished plate.

This will make 2 servings

5 Easy Ways To Add Taste To Your Menu

1. Use herbs and spices freely when putting together a Dukan diet recipe

It is easy to be too strict with yourself when starting a new diet. The Attack Phase of the Dukan diet is supposed to be tough, it is not called an ‘attack’ for nothing, but it doesn’t have to be taste-free, bland, experience! When you are preparing your food don’t forget to add things like chillis, parsley, thyme, garlic, cinnamon, onion, spring onion, chives, mint and so on. When I when on my Attack Phase, I was way too strict not even allowing myself onion – this made things much harder than they had to be!

2. Replace sugar with sweetner, vanilla, cinnamon, etc.

You are not allowed to add sugar when you are on the Dukan diet. However, you are allowed to add sweetener. Now some people are worried about using sweetners, having heard that there are risks to using these artificial flavourings. The belief that there is a link between sweeteners and conditions like cancer, diabetes, lupus, etc. is widespread due to a very effective internet hoax. The hoax has been debunked by such organizations as the FDA, The American Council on Science and Health, Reports in The Lancet, and the affair has been written up in Time Magazine. For more information on the Aspartame hoax click this link.

You can add more deliciousness to your sweet Dukan diet recipes by adding vanilla (essence and pods), cinnamon and nutmeg (although, I don’t like nutmeg so don’t use it if I’m coming around for tea!)

3. Pickled gherkins and pickled onions

Chopped up and sprinkled onto Dukan diet friendly food, pickled gherkins and onions add some tangy deliciousness to your food. Caution: While you can add a small amount of these to food during the Attack Phase, you can not munch your way through loads of gherkins or onions – if you do they count as vegetables. One gherkin or one onion, diced, is my guide to using them as a condiment – any more than that and you are eating them as a vegetable.

4. Vinegar

As far as I am concerned, vinegar is an essential Dukan diet condiment. All vinegars are allowed, for a real treat, use balsamic vinegar – it’s delicous. You can simply add the vinager directly to your food or you can make delicious sauces with it. A simple, delicious dressing can be made from:

* Vinegar
* low-fat yogurt
* A small amount of French mustard

Mix them up and enjoy!

5. Mustard

Mustard can be used to add flavour to your meats. You can enjoy French or English mustard. Although it isn’t mustard, it’s like a mustard in that it comes in pot and is hot, you can also use horseradish to add some heat and taste to your food. Like Japanese food? You can flavour your food with wasabi and ginger – both allowed on the Dukan diet.

Chocolate Cake, Dukan recipe

3 egg whites
3 table spoons of oats
1 small spoon of baking powder
2 table spoons of light coco powder (apparently the cc is fine as it is even if it is not light - I have used the light cadbury chocolate drink powder before and it was delish)
3 table spoons of natural jog.
1 table spoons (that can be more depending on how sweet you want the cake to be) of sweetner

mix it all, poor it in a little baking tray and that's it

the cake is fab. when it is still warm - NO actually it has to be still warm, it turns a little bit rubbery once it gets cold...

Stuffed Spicy Courgettes, Dukan diet Recipe

Pre time : 12 minutes

Cooking time : 35 minutes

4 Courgettes, cut into halfs lengthways and deseeded
Salt and Pepper (Paprika is fine)
500g lean (extra is possible) minced beef
1 jar or tin of salsa verde
Tiny Pinch of Cayenne Pepper
200g virtually fat-free formage frais
Preheat the oven to 240 degrees / 475 F / or Gas Mark 9

Season the courgette with the salt, peppers. Then add the mince meat to a non-stick frying pan (you can use a touch of olive oil, but you dont need to), and fry until golden brown.

Then add the salsa and framange frais and mix together while frying opver a medium heat.

Take from the heat and then fill the courgettes with the stuffing mixture.

Place into a over proof dish and place in the oven for around 28-32 minutes.

Brochettes De Filet De Boeuf (Beef Kebabs)

You will need 4 skewers.

400g (14oz) beef fillet, cut into large chunks
50ml (2floz) low sodium soy sauce
2 tablespoons Dijon mustard
1 tablespoon cider vinegar
A little thyme
1 bay leaf
A dash of vegatable oil
50ml (2fl oz) fresh lemon juice

OK first things first. Start by taking all the ingreditents listed above and mixing them all together. This will make our lovely marinade for the beef. Once mixed together then place in the mixing bowl in the fridge for 2-4 hours.

Remove the beef chunks once marinaded and throw away the left over marinade. Place the chunks of beef onto the skewers (if using wooden skewers, make sure you soak them in water first to prevent them burning). Then place the skewers under the grill until cooked to how you like :)

During the cruise phase why not throw in some tomatoes, mushrooms, peppers and onions to the skewers. During the attach phase you can add the vegtables to the kebabs for flavour but remember DO NOT EAT THEM.

Portuguese Style Piri Piri Chicken, Dukan diet recipe

(Serves 4)

4 skinless chicken breast fillets or 8 skinless chick drumsticks
Juice of half a lemon
Juice of half a lime
2 cloves garlic, finely chopped
2 teaspoons crushed chillies
1teaspoon paprika
1 teaspoon oregano
¼ cup cider vinegar
Salt and black pepper

Place the chicken, chillies, garlic, lemon juice, paprika, oregano and vinegar in a bowl and mix together. Season with salt and black pepper. Let the chicken marinade in the fridge over night if possible.

To cook the chicken, light the barbeque and wait until the flames have died down and/or the coals have turned white before you start cooking. Place the chicken on the barbeque, turning every now and then to ensure the chicken cooks evenly, this will take about 25-30 minutes.

Once cooked, squeeze the juice of half a lime over the chicken and serve.

Tip: This dish goes well with plain yoghurt

Tip: During the Cruise Phase, why not serve with a green salad or some Tzatziki Dip?

Poulet Moutarde (Chicken with Mustard), Dukan diet recipe

(Serves 4)

8 skinless chicken thighs
115g (4oz) Dijon mustard
1 teaspoon thyme
1 teaspoon vegetable oil
175g (6oz) non-fat yoghurt or fromage frais
Salt and black pepper
Gherkin/Pickle slices to serve
First of all, pre-heat the oven to 200°C/400°F/Gas 6.

In a bowl, mix together the chicken, mustard and thyme, so the chicken is nicely coated. Lay a sheet of foil over a large baking tray, then place the chicken on the foil. Lay another sheet of foil over the first, and fold over the edges tightly to make a pouch. This will need to be placed in the oven for 45-60 minutes.

Just before the chicken has finished cooking, you can prepare the sauce by mixing together the oil with the yoghurt or fromage frais, and add a sprinkling of salt and black pepper. Once the chicken has cooked, remove the foil and pour over the sauce. Serve with slices of pickles or gherkins.

Ramequins de Moules (Baked Mussels), Dukan diet recipe

(Serves 4)

2 litres (3½ pints) mussels, scrubbed and rinsed
225ml (8fl oz) dry white wine
3 eggs
1 tablespoon non-fat fromage frais
30g (1oz) chopped fresh parsley
Salt and black pepper

First, preheat the oven to 230°C/450°C/Gas 8.

In a large saucepan, place the mussels and white wine, cover with a lid and steam on a high heat until they open. Give the pan a shake every now and then until they’re open, throw away any that have remained closed.

When the mussels are ready, drain the liquid into a strainer, then while still warm, mix in the eggs, fromage frais and parsley with some salt and black pepper. Place the mussels in individual ramekins or a soufflé dish and bake in the oven for 10 minutes.

Saumon au Four (Baked Salmon), Dukan diet recipe

(Serves 4)

4 x 175g (6oz) salmon fillets
125ml (4fl oz) dry white wine
4 fresh sprigs of dill
Salt and black pepper
Lemon wedges to serve
Pre-heat the oven to 200°C/400°F/Gas 6.

Wash the salmon and pat dry with some kitchen towel, then place it skin side down in a baking dish. Add the wine, sprinkle with some black pepper then place the dill on the salmon fillets.

Bake the salmon in the oven for about 20-25 minutes, or until cooked. To serve, discard the juice from the pan and add freshly squeezed lemon.

Spicy Chicken and Veg Skewers with Fresh Green Salad, Dukan diet recipe

(Serves 2)

You will need 4 skewers.

4 skinless chicken breast fillets
2 medium sized red onions
2 peppers (any variety)
1 courgette
Handful of cherry tomatoes
Chilli, finely chopped
Cayenne pepper

For the green salad:

Spring onion
Freshly squeezed lemon juice
Black pepper

First of all, light your barbeque and wait until the flames have died down and/or the coals are white before you start cooking.

Cut the chicken into large chunks, and do the same with the peppers and courgette. Mix these together in a bowl with the finely chopped chillies and a sprinkling of Cayenne pepper. Chop the red onions into quarters, then carefully place the ingredients onto a metal skewer. For example, you could place some courgette, followed by the red onion, a piece of chicken, pepper and a cherry tomato, until each skewer is full.

On the hot barbeque, place the spicy chicken and vegetable skewers, turning occasionally to cook evenly. While this is cooking, prepare the green salad by chopping the lettuce, cucumber and spring onion and mix in a bowl. Add some lemon juice and season with freshly ground black pepper.

Once the chicken skewers are cooked, serve with the green salad and a wedge of lemon.

Tip: These spicy chicken skewers go well with plain fat free yoghurt for dipping.

Tip: During the attack phase, simply leave out the vegetables.

asty Turkey Burgers, Dukan diet recipe

(Serves 2)

500g turkey mince
1 large onion coarsely grated
1 clove garlic finely chopped
1 teaspoon oregano
1 teaspoon dried basil
1 egg
Salt and black pepper
Plain fat free yoghurt to serve

Before you start cooking, light your barbeque and wait until the flames have died down and/or the coals are white.

Place the turkey mince in a bowl and mix together with the coarsely grated onion and finely chopped garlic, add the herbs and season with the salt and pepper. Beat the egg in a bowl and mix into the turkey, onion and herb mixture.

Make burger patties by taking a handful of the mixture, roll it into a ball in the palm of your hand, and squash it flat to make a burger about 2cm thick. Once you’ve made all your burgers, place these on the pre-heated barbeque and cook for about 20 – 25 minutes or until heated through.

Serve with plain yoghurt

Flan, Dukan diet recipe

Preparation time: 20 minutes Cooking time: 45 minutes Serves 6. Attack Phase PP days


3 cups of oat bran
2 whole eggs + 2 egg whites
1L skimmed milk
1 tbsp of Vanilla flavouring
½ cup Splenda Granulated Sweetener

Preheat the oven to 180°C / Gas 4.
In a medium mixing bowl, combine the oat bran and Splenda. Add the eggs, egg whites & vanilla. Mix until well combined and smooth. Add the milk 1 cup at a time, stirring well after each addition. Once all combined, pour into a non stick oven proof dish and bake for 45 minutes.
Let cool and serve.

Pepper Steak Sauce, Dukan diet recipe

Steak and mushroom sauceServes 4
Preparation time: 10 mins
Cooking time: 15mins


* 2 cloves of garlic crushed
* 1 teaspoon of coarse ground black pepper
* 1 cup beef stock
* 125g pf Philadelphia extra light cream cheese
* 1 tea spoon of sweetener
* 3 button mushrooms sliced thin (optional for your Protein & Vegetable day)


1. Heat a non-stick fry pan over a high heat. Cook the steaks for 3 mins each side, remove from the pan, wrap in foil and keep warm.
2. Using a small saucepan heat a small amount of water and cook the mushrooms till soft
3. Add the garlic and pepper and sauté for 1 minute. Poor in the beef stock and simmer until reduced by a third.
4. Whisk in the philly and sweetener and simmer until thickened.
5. Poor over your steak, serve immediately.

Tip: The sauce keeps well in the fridge, make a large batch and store in small containers than can be reheated in the microwave.